
Move - WASD or Left Joystick

Aim - Mouse or Right Joystick

Fire - Left Mouse or Gamepad X, RT, RB

Dash - Left Shift or Gamepad A, LB, LT

Spell - 1, 2, 3, 4 or D-Pad

Escape will relinquish control of the mouse at any time, moving any joystick will make the game automatically assume you want to use a joystick

This project is very much unfinished. We plan on adding more enemies to properly challenge the player. We ran into many hiccups and plenty of delays, but most importantly we learned a lot.


@Coach - Lead designer

@Bee - Lead Artist, Animator

@Father_Hoovy - Level Designer, Musician

@rameynoodles - Programmer, Designer

@Pommy - Programmer, Designer, Animator

@Slayer - Musician, Sound Designer

@Roberto - Valuable Input


Ye Olde Bop Initial Release.ogg 3.9 MB

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